Friday, September 28, 2012

Hoop, There it is

Desert island. As many clothes and books and people as you want there, but only one accessory.
What to go with?
Hoop earrings.
Because they are THE single most flattering piece of jewelry as far as I’m concerned. And if you don’t own a pair, then you are not even close to being aware of their beautifying powers.

This fall is the time to discover just what they can do for your face. I have no scientific proof here, just experience knowing that every time I put a pair on (no matter their shape/sheen/or size) they always look good.

If you are new to the hoop community just know that they do come in every shape/sheen/size so you have so many options. Start small if you’d like, but I guarantee before long you’ll own a million/billion like I do. I even tried to count up how many I own (I’m talking silver and round only) I can’t come up with a number…it would take too long.

And you know what, most of my collection came from Forever21 which means I paid no more than $1.50. And yes, that decimal point is in the right place.

Another great place for them? Charming Charlies. They've got a lot of hoop "packs" that come with six or so for around $7 it's ridiculous. Those are great for you first timers because they start small and build up giving you the ability to try all kinds of sizes with just one purchase.

Build up your collection and make them your go to accessory, you’ll be the most beautiful person trapped on a desert island, ever!

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