Friday, November 22, 2013

Thank You Friday

Somehow this month has gone by nice and slow (I hope Christmas comes the same way).
It already feels like we've skipped past Thanksgiving, but it's still a week away!

Here are some more things I'm thankful for this month...

Our current fashion trends.

(Photo cred goes to

I know I say I hate the word trend (and I do), but one thing I'm thankful for is that we're living in a time where fashion rules are meant to be broken. We're not constrained by when we can wear white, or that everything has to be matchy-matchy.

We're getting dressed in a time when it's a lot easier to do so because there are so many options out there!

Even when it comes to coats and boots. When I was prepping for my coat segment, I started thinking about how coats have come a long way from the days when your options were black or light black. Now there are all kinds of shapes/colors/patterns to choose from!

And boots! I was reminiscing the other day with a friend and we were talking about how boots that fit over our calves used to be so hard to find.

But now there are so many great, well-fitting boots!

I'm very thankful for that, especially now that I've entered a life-long love affair with them :)

I'm also thankful to IHOP for when you're all dressed up at 5:40 in the morning and want some place to go! ;) I'll be posting this mornings segment as soon as it's up on the web.

Need stocking stuffer ideas? Check out my earlier Style Setter blog. These 7 ideas are ah-mazing!

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