Friday, October 19, 2012

Pointy Toes and Printed Pants

If you're a faithful reader of The Spiff (first, I love you.), second you will probably be aware of my disdain for the word "trendy" or the phrase "that's what's in these days".

I understand not everyone shares my dislike for these things, it's a personal preference I know. And sometimes I even come to a place in a conversation where I find myself having to say it.

The other day, for example, someone had on really great bright yellow shoes. I told her I liked them and she said they weren't the right color for this season. My answer was something like, "well, that's what...can be found...on most store shelves, deaming it acceptible to wear...because it's part of the color explosion thing that's....*Exhausted sigh*

My disdain initiates from a place of hearing women say they like something only because it's what everyone else is wearing. Never ever say or do that, but you've heard that from me before so I don't want to beat a dead horse.

What I do want to do is laugh, for a second, at a list I found of things "every woman needs in her closet RIGHT NOW". I laugh because one of the things listed is a printed suit. As in a complete head to toe look of checks or snake skin or whatever pattern you can find printed on both pants and a blazer and sold in the women's department.

You honestly think that women in the regular world would have need in their daily lives of soccer games, or prayer meetings, or pot lucks, or movie nights, that any of those events would call for a printed suit?! Off the top of my head, I can think of one MAYBE two people I know who could pull that off and that's stretching it.

That's probably the most wild thing on the list (thank God), but I do want to emphasize if you find one of these lists (or are skimming through pintrest) don't treat them as your fashion bible.

Do what I do, look at each item and first think, "Do I like this?" If the answer is yes, then figure out whether you already own it and if not write it down so you can remember to look for it next time you shop.
But always always begin with, "Do I like this?" Because if the answer is no, well then forget about it.

One item on the list that I have already been craving are pointy toe pumps. So what this list did was remind me that I do need to find some pointy pumps. I did not base that decision off of it, I was only verified in my decision to buy what I already wanted (and now I know they'll be easy to find!)

That's really what I think of when I hear the's only going to make what I've already been thinking about all the more easy to find and purchase. When things I like become trendy, I'll have options!

And so help me, if I see anyone of you in a printed pants suit with a frown on your face...oh you just better watch out!

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