Monday, July 15, 2013

How to get all Your Questions Answered

Growth and expansion. Like much of the English language these two words can have very different connotations.

In the medical field, the singular usage of "growth" isn't always a good thing. Expansion in reference to your waist line...not something to celebrate.

Apply both to a business (or a blog, for example) and it calls for cake!

As the creator, writer, and head coffee maker for The Spiff, I would like to announce some new growth (plural), as The Spiff will soon be expanding to video!

On a regular basis, I'll be posting a video answering questions or just demonstrating a tip.

See the fancy new camera? Proof that we're growing and expanding, and that is very exciting!

My call to you, dear readers, is to send me your questions!

If you have ANY beauty/fashion/hair related questions send them my way. You can be as general or specific as you want. If you have an outfit and you're not sure if you like it or you think it needs tweaking ("tweaking as in t-w-e-a-k-ing") I can help with that!

Want to know how to apply eye shadow? I can help with that!
Don't know what accessories go with a certain neckline? You guessed it, I can help with that too!

Make a list of questions that pop into your head throughout the day and send them all on over.

My goal, my passion, my purpose is to help you love the way you look, and I'd like to start doing that in new ways.

You may email all your questions to:
Or you can submit your questions on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #thespiffknows
Or Or! You can find The Spiff on Facebook and submit a question there

There are many exciting things to come, so stay tuned and send in your questions!

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