Monday, May 6, 2013

Cloud Candy for Your Under Eyes

When I first read about this product, the beauty editor said that she wanted to, "Marry it third grade style." I immediately wrote down both the product name, and the quote because I thought both were worthy of repeating.

Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser-what word in this product do you not want, right?

It's a fun little eye tool that not only erases, but treats.

Maybelline Instant Age Rewind EraserAnd if there's one thing I like to do, it's two things at the same time. And I definitely love to both get rid of something now and for the future.

The eye product I was using before had a roller ball which was ok. This has a cushy little sponge like head that just gently rolls across your under eye.

It's very very very very important that you treat the under part of your eye very carefully. I once heard it described as being the same as tissue paper (which gives me cold chills) but really that's how delicate we have to think about it.

If you're running something hap hazardously across your under eye you could be stretching out the skin which will result in bags (and not the cute kind).

This stuff treats the darkness and covers it up, all while gently gliding across your face like a gentle little cotton candy cloud.

I use it both on full makeup days and just tinted moisturizer-days and I love it for both.

One thing to keep in mind, is you have to twist the cap a while before product starts to come up through the pores of the sponge. Just remember that because it does take a while.

Tune in tomorrow to see The Spiff live on FOX43 at 8:45am! I'm going to be covering how to get ready in five minutes!

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