We're one month into this bad boy, are you loving it yet or not?
What about your goals?
First of all, did you set any?
Are you sticking to them, if you did?
I realize that it's Monday morning...and Monday morning after the Super Bowl, even. Chances are you're still working off a chicken wing hangover. But we are now officially one month into the year and if you want to make some changes, or even just keep on loving who you are, you're going to have to keep at it (or start something up!)
And now's a good time. I truly think that setting goals for the new year while semi-horizontal in a pile of Christmas wrapping paper, nuring an egg nog and a stale ginger bread cookie, probably isn't going to breed a whole bag of resolution "gems".
But now that we've gotten ourselves past the catch up part of January, past all the house cleaning and reseting from Christmas, now is really the best time to take a rational look at what we want to accomplish this year.
Starting with our weight. (Skreeeetch!)
We've just gotten over the Super Bowl hurdle, so if you stuck to your resolve and ate low in calorie throughout the whole game-turn around and really appreciate that Barbie Dream House you're living in (just joking-Good job! Keep it up!)
If you fell violently off the low calorie food truck and are still finding nacho cheese in your hair, no worries. Start this week by making up for it with at least one low calorie meal a day (and by "at least" I mean 2).
I make it a habit of keeping the meals I eat alone/on the go very low in calories. So breakfast and lunch are very very healthy. That way for dinner when I'm typically with someone or out to eat, I can go to town a little bit.
One more quick nugget (don't say "mmm, nugget", keep cleaning out the nacho cheese) make sure that you're sticking (or starting) a reasonable work out routine. If you've missed your work out several times now, you may want to consider changing the time. Whatever you do, don't beat yourself up over not sticking to it like you thought.
Remember that a little bit counts and it's better to work out for 15 minutes then not at all. So if you can't make it all the way to the gym, find something you can do in your house like walking in place while pumping water bottles in both arms. Anything is better than nothing, and I promise afterwards you'll feel good and want to keep it up!
Now go grab you a yogert or something and enjoy the rest of your day :)
Bravo! I like that... Just call me skinny because of it!