Monday, September 17, 2012

Rainy Monday Mood Lift

As I sit here, my face practically buried in coffee, I think about what I'd want to read on The Spiff on a rainy Monday. The first answer that comes to mind is-the back of my eyelids.

But that wouldn't work out so lets try something else...
Something that will wake us all up and get excited about hunkering down inside today....
Something so great that we all just hold our mugs a little bit closer and smile as we take a sip of good old fashioned coff..Ok, I'm trying to buy time as I know inspiration's going to hit aaany second now...

Ok, I got it.

I've busted out the boots today because, well, let's be honest I need no good reason to bust out my boots! I'll do it any day!! I did see that it was going to be a rain fest and thought being cozy inside boots would be just the thing to get me out of bed this morning.

Turns out it was a great idea.

Hence two themes for today's post:
1. I hereby declare it perfectly acceptable to begin wearing boots!
2. On a day when you can foresee the wrong side of the bed is going to be circling around to where you disembark, plan something to wear that's going to make you happy.

Whether it be jewelry or boots or your favorite shirt, even if it's a little fancy or out of the realm of what you usually wear-wear it anyway because it will lift your spirits throughout the whole day and keep you baseline attitude a good one :)
(Unless of course it's fancy like the Hope Diamond-in which case-too fancy, way too fancy-leave that at home under surveillance).

I woke up this morning to find that the pink lipstick I wore all day yesterday has stained my lips in a funky way and my bangs are at that weird stage where they're too long to wear straight and won't brush away just right...but you know what? I'm happy because I'm wearing boots!!!


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