Monday, April 30, 2012

Your Style Temperature

My closet wrote me a big fat reality check this weekend.

For a first time in almost a month it was actually warm outside and I busted out the arms-full on sleeveless.
But this getting dressed in heat thing made me realize I'm lacking in a few key pieces that will help this spring/summer go by without an outfit hitch.

And thanks to an enlightening article in InStyle, I've got the perfect way to pull together the best dressed warm weather seasons of my life. And thanks to The Spiff I can share them with you!

Start by picking out (mentally or physically) the top ten items in your closet that you currently go to the most (and they can't be staples like black pants, white button up shirts-those things don't count). Go for things you've purchased recently that you go to a lot.

Look at them and think, what do they have in common? Do they have a lot in common? Maybe too much in common?
Maybe you need to shake things up with a different range of colors or patterns.

Now, look at them and think is there a cohesive you? Can you see the style you're wanting to achieve in these pieces as a whole? Or are you leaning more towards comfort when you want more style, or visa versa.

This little exercise is a good way to take the temperature of your style (hopefully it's hot! hot! hot! ;)

Something to think about...until tomorrow!

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