Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It's a Ruffle Life...

...but someone's got to pull them off-and that can be you!

Ruffles are one of those trends that can be potentially frightening especially if one of your goals is not to look bigger than you are (which I can imagine is a shared goal of many).

Here are some tips on how to pull them off...
Horizontal ruffles add dimension-if you want more voluptuous assets, if you will, adding a ruffle or two around either region will help get you there visually.

Vertical ruffles create length and help hide curves so like a vertical ruffle going down one side of a dress will help slim your figure overall.

If you are trying to mask your mid section, a good idea is to find a ruffle blouse or dress that has them vertically in the front with a lot of space in between each ruffle going down. 

If your figure has been compared to a bean pole, a good idea is a ruffled skirt. That will help give your figure dimension.

Thankfully, the fashion world has a big bag of tricks no matter what your figure, and consider the your place to discover them all!

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