Friday, February 4, 2011


-The number of months that cannot go by since the last time you've worn any one article of clothing in your closet. If that many months have gone by without you touching anything (skirt, shoes, shirt, pants) throw it out!

On this last day of closet clean-out week, the spiff is here to remind you to throw pieces out that you haven't touched in 24 months.

If you've forgotten about it, that's one thing and even after that give yourself a time frame (how about 6 months!) and if you don't wear it in that next six months then it's time for it to MOVE ON.

If you can't think of the last time you've worn an item (hmm another good reason to chuck it), then ask an observant friend.  Believe it or not there are gifted, beautiful people out there that are hyper aware of what people wear and I'm sure they'd be more than happy to lend you their memory.

Keeping pieces around in your closet for that long just takes up much needed space. Chances are in the past 24 months you've had multiple events come up that you could have worn it to, AND by now it's probably not something you want to bust out, with it being, "so 24 months ago."

We're just here to give you some tough closet love.

Happy weekend!

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