Monday, January 31, 2011


-the number of months you need to let go by before your next closet clean.

Every 6 months make it a habit of trying on everything you own with a trusted/honest friend nearby that understands your style (I clarify that because there's a difference between knowing what's cute, and knowing what cute inside your ascetic).

This will keep your outfits fresh, and your options fresh.  When your next frantic run to the closet on the Monday morning when you desperately need to be looking cute happens, you'll know exactly what to go for because within the last 6 months you will have tried everything on! Phew that was a long sentence.

Also, make sure you have a second opinion mirror wise.  It's always good to have another full length mirror in your house to get two things: 1. different lighting, and 2. a different mirror angle.

Every 6 months make a date with your friend and two mirrors, and you're well on your way to a workable closet!

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