Friday, December 24, 2010

Earth Received Her King

There are so many things to love about Christmas.
Too many to count, in fact.
One of the biggest treasures, though, is gift giving.

There is so much joy to be had in picking out the perfect present, wrapping it with excitement, then seeing the look of jubilation on the recipients face as the joy of the gift and your thoughtfulness sparks like fireworks in their eyes.  It's an invaluable feeling for the gift giver.

This season, let's sow the seed of being happy for what we receive. Even if Santa socks are not exactly what we wanted, or not even the right size, let's bless the gift giver by being thankful for their thoughtfulness.

We can always return the Santa socks discreatfully later, but in that moment, let them know that Santa Socks are all you ever wanted for Christmas. It will touch their hearts and make a big, joyful size dent in their season and yours.

Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas Everybody!
Aren't you glad Earth received her King?

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