It's a good day to talk about accessorizing, so let's dive right in.
I bought this gray blazer with the polka dot sleeves at Target a while back, but I realized last week that it's sat in my closet for months not being worn. I tried it on again to see what the problem is, and I realized it was because the shoulder pads were a little too large for my liking.
I don't mind a strong shoulder in a blazer one bit, but when I'm starting to feel like a line backer or an eighties business women every time I wear it, it's time to make a change.
So I cut out the pads, and wha-la! I love it again.
Now, what to wear with it? The thing about a blazer is it's the perfect set up for a good necklace. I normally like to go with with a long chain, but this time I was feeling something more substantial.
Now, what to wear with it? The thing about a blazer is it's the perfect set up for a good necklace. I normally like to go with with a long chain, but this time I was feeling something more substantial.
I went with this bib necklace, because there's room enough to wear it and the blazer. If the necklace went any wider up top it would run into the jacket and be too much.
Now, opnions on this next subject differe dramatically, and I'm not saying if you don't do it this way that it looks bad. My feelings on wearing any kind of necklace is it automatically means I'm going lighter with my earrings.
So light in fact that I just went with studs. Like I said, opinions differ. And a lot of people can pull off a lot of different necklace/earring combos, but I'm of the belief that if you're doing a bold necklace, you want all of the attention there.
Keep that in mind the next time you do a bold necklace, and see what you think about lighter earrings!
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