Little did I know, three to four minutes on a topic you love and have actually read about-feels like seconds, really. Unfortunately the converse is painfully true. Three to four minutes on something you haven't done your homework on? Mega sales go faster than that.
This is how I feel on Tuesday mornings when The Spiff is live on FOX. There are weeks when the segment seems to be endless, but then there's other weeks, like this past one, when I feel as if I can't fit all the good stuff in!
The good part about being short on time, is anything I can't fit into the segment I can write about here. The Spiff is where I'm the boss of how long I take and I say, "Go as long (or as short) as you want, girl."
Thank you! I will!
Spring scarves are what I didn't get to this past Tuesday, so lets talk about how great spring scarves are.

The number one classification for a scarf to be springy is the fabric. If the fabric is light and breezy then no matter the color, it's a good spring scarf. My polka dot scarf is a good example of this. It's black and white, but it's a light fabric so that makes it perfect for spring.
Now, if it is actually cold outside, and you need a scarf that is a little bit warmer then you'll want to go for one in a heavier fabric, but with lighter colors. Look for floral patterns or just a fun happy pattern that doesn't translate-barren middle of winter.
Be aware of the visual weight.

And as usual the reverse is true as well. If you're looking to add to your girly girls, a big ole' poofy scarf will help you do just that.
Listen, I'm your girl when it comes to integrating winter clothing into wardrobes for as long as humanly possible :)
Happy Spring dressing everybody!
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