Even if it was one that I never made any money on, it would just be so cool to drop, "I invented an app" into conversations. The idea came one day when my co-worker and I were talking about other people taking smoke breaks and how unfair it is for the rest of us healthy lung-ed chaps.
So I said there should be an app that's simply a cigarette burning at real time so that we could hit it and do whatever we wanted to do in the time it was burning. It would be our smoke break without all the smell and bodily harm. We got really excited.
It was going to be the best th...nope too late. There's already an app for that.
The next idea I had was "the one". It's an app for the mathematically challenged among us who like to shop and figure out how much an item is going to be when it's on sale. It would tell us not only how much it's going to be on sale, but you'd also be able to enter your zip code so that tax would be figured in as well.
It was going to revolutioni...never mind. There's already an app for that.
And here it is...my brain child born to the wrong parents ;) It's a great idea for when you're in a store and something is 75% and then an additional percentage off of that. You'll be able to know exactly how much you're spending at the register before you even get there.
It's called, by the way, "Sales Tax Pro" and it's free, but the full version was on sale the other day (ha! the irony) for .99 cents.
It's brilliant, I know. Now if I could only anticipate Apples next move and begin thinking of genius ideas with which to populate it. That should be no problem ;)
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