Monday, May 7, 2012

Trash It

Technology can be just as much of a pain in the butt as it is helpful. Example: I scheduled this blog to post two weeks ago (during the spring clean week) and later found out it never posted, GAH!
So here is the missing link in that week, where you learn what to do with the "trash" pile you accumulated from the clothes you don't wear....Enjoy!

Don't keep closet skeletons around.

Closet skeletons are those shirts you've worn so often they look like the skeleton of a shirt that once lived.

You know what I'm talking about.
It's nasty and ratted but it's the right length for under your short shirts so you keep it around as an "under shirt", but if any one were to see you in it they would be horrified.

Don't keep these things around. Oddly enough, I've got one in mind that I still keep around (and wore the other day!) but it's really time I throw it out.

Let's do it together. Throw these things away! There's something else out there that can replace it, if not surpass it in whatever roll we've assigned to it.

These skeletons don't need to be cluttering up our closet. Think of your closet as a space you would parade your friends through when showing them your house (think of Cribs!) and if you wouldn't want the cameras in there because of all the yucky shirts you have...yeah why would you want to walk in there yourself?

You can't come out of a place feeling good about yourself for the rest of the day if it's full of depressing skeletons!

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