Spring cleaning: you could put it off, but then it wouldn't be a spring clean.
It would be more like a fall clean and one, you can't wait that long, and two, that doesn't even have the verbal cadence that "spring clean" does.
So for the sake of verbal cadence, just clean your closet in the spring.
Moving on from there, where do you start?
You start by reading the spiff all this week and next for great (no, genius!) ideas on how to clean out your closet and freshen your spring/summer wardrobe so that you never have a "I have nothing to wear!" moment for another 4 1/2 months.
Next, you go into you closet and you categorize the clutter.
Pull out everything not in your current rotation. If you haven't bought it, worn it, or washed it in the last 8 months then it needs to be ejected from your closet.
After you pull out the ejects (because they're not rejects yet!) separate them into three categories...
1. Giveaway
2. Throw away
3. The "Unsure's"
The last category actually has two subcategories, so come back all week to find out what to do with each pile after you've made them!
7 years ago
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