Tuesday, September 20, 2011

5 Hour Energy Eyes

This is one of those weeks that started getting busy the moment Sunday morning cracked open and won't stop until...well...Saturday I might be able to take a breather.

Or better put, I was trying this "looking awake" trick that you're about to read, Monday morning.

If your this week or next looks anything like mine then this will definitely come in handy...

A little bit of highlighter in the corners of your eyes will goes a long way to helping you look awake. A pearly-white eye shadow works best with this trick and helps to make your eyes look more awake (it should be applied right about where the tail of the "y" is on the eyes pictured above)

I actually tried it once. It was a Saturday morning and I had a meeting to go to at an ungodly hour. What made it worse was that the night before I had been to a friend’s sleep over so there was barely any sleep to go on. I pulled out the makeup tricks, though, and highlighted there in the corner of my eyes and when I got to the meeting people remarked about how awake I looked.

If they would package that eyeshadow together with a 5 hour energy drink-there would be lots of money to be made.

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