Friday, May 20, 2011

Rock, and Most Importantly, Roll

My grandparents weren't around for most of my life, but there was one time when my Grandmother came to town that I learned two things I'll never forget:

1. If you help Grandma pack she'll give you $20 for every article of clothing you get in her suitcase-it was my first and only experience with Grandmotherly extravagance and I will say the taste was sweet.

2. If you roll your clothes you'll get more in your suitcase, and they won't be as wrinkly.

It was such a revelation to my little world and I've been doing it ever since. Roll everything, too not just shirts. Jeans and dresses take up WAY less room that way.

Another good thing to remember is "travel size" can be your best friend. What I do is keep a perpetually packed bag of my favorite toiletries in travel size, that way when I go on a trip all I have to do is grab it and go. This way I'm not tempted to use Venti sized shampoo, taking up way more room then it needs to.

As an extra incentive when I go to a nice hotel I "restock" my travel size bag. :)

Have fun on all your trips this summer, and remember confidence makes all your clothes look good, and it doesn't take up any room!

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