Monday, February 28, 2011

Two Oh Oh!

Today marks the spiff's 
200th post!!
What an exciting day, and what better way to celebrate then to take a look back at all the great times we've had over the past 199 posts.  Enjoy the "best of the spiff" this week, starting with our first official posting...

The feeling I’m going for in this first official post of The Spiff is that same feeling you get when you open a new compact: that first glimpse of the smooth, unblemished plain of foundation, taking that first swipe of its perfection, interrupting its flawless flow. That’s a good feeling.

So let me walk you through our first swipe…

The goal of the spiff is to provide you (five days out of the week) with a tip on how to spiff yourself up. Whether it is clothes, makeup, hair, nails, even your inward beauty, make the spiff your regular haunt in terms of all things beauty related. 

The format will be simple: one post per day, some weeks will have themes (this week for example is all about the new) others will just be a hodge-podge of sparkly goodness. 

Much like the promise of new foundation, let the spiff meet your expectations of feeling more confident about yourself. L’Oreal isn’t the only one to think you’re worth it, your Creator thinks He did an impressive job, but if you need help convincing yourself of that check back here Monday-Friday and find little ways to realize you put the beautiful in life.

PS: check out the “more spiff-cific” search bar on the right-it’s been custom made so that you can search for beauty related items and not have to sift through internet mumbo jumbo. Use it freely!! And make your homepage!

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