Friday, June 25, 2010

Spiff Splash

This week became, unintentionally...then later intentionally, all about good websites (and in my research I found a good site is hard to find).

So to round out the week, here is a smattering of some more good places for your mouse to land on... If the internet is like an outdoor shopping center where you have to drive to each store and get out and walk to the door, then this site is the mall: everything, all in one place.  You can look around however you want to: by designer, article of clothing, even by looks, and much like you can chose for them to let you know when your favorite stuff goes on sale. For the extravagantly rich (or just plain curious) among us, this is a great stop for finding things that celebrities have worn and you've drooled over. I'll have more on this one later, but for a splash of it right now-- it's a giant website that allows you to trade clothing with people around the world.  I'm still learning how everything works, but it looks like you can get some good deals through exchanging clothes and not necessarily money.

Thanks for reading the spiff! Come back next week, cause the spiff just keeps on coming!

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