Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dear OPI,

I love you. Let's just get that out in the open.

I love your wide brushes and your fast drying formula. I love how you come out with a new collection every season. And I am enamored by the creative genius behind your names, they make me laugh, and stand with pride every time I'm asked what color I'm wearing.

But there is a hitch in our relationship, I don't love your evil step sister "Sephora by OPI". While she might boast of different colors (see yesterdays blog) that are beautiful, different and fresh, that is where her good qualities end.

Her brushes are skinny and feeble. Her bottles are shaped differently making my collection of colors look odd on their shelf.

And she thinks she so great that she can charge an extra $2 for her presence in my house, who does she think she is?

I love you and always will, but it will take some wider brushes and cheaper costs for me to accept her as a friend as well.

-Your most well manicured fan.

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