Thursday, January 5, 2012

Goal: Better Makeup

This week it's all about you looking your best ever ever this year, and one way to do that is breaking up your makeup routine.

I very much mean to metaphorically reach into your make up drawer and shake things up with this post because it's time to break out of the same old same old.

Do this with a few little steps...
1. Clean out your makeup drawer-including cleaning off your bottles
2. Experiment with new looks at night. You don't have to do a full face just try new things with your eyes.
3. If you always line one part of your eye, try lining the opposite part.
4. Pay attention to celebrity faces in full make up (especially the ones shaped just like yours). They always change up their looks so see what else they do.
5. Try new colors on your eyes-including eye pencils. But start cheap with drug store make up so that you don't spend a lot on something that might end up not looking good.

A new year is a good time to have a fresh face!

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