Monday, January 10, 2011

See Jane Work Cuter!

Time to throw out the endless amounts of excuses along with the pile of Pottery Barn catalogs and let's get organized!

All week long thespiff will be riffling through your reasons for not having your purses, makeup, and accessories organized, and throwing them out (your excuses that is, not your stuff).

Let's start with that condemned little corner you call your "home office." In searching for ways for you to not only be organized, but to be chicly organized, I came across a web site called SeeJaneWork. It is filled to the brim with ways to get your organizational stuff looking so cutie pattottie!

These organizing boxes, for example, don't they make you want to run into that Hoarders episode you call a closet and get everything neat?!
How about these file folders? They're so adorable they'll make even the junkiest of mail look good!  

Get yourself into the neat game this year by buying a little inspiration, because a little pink and white polka dotted inspiration will go a very long way :)

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