Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cue the Music

Consider this week our video montage of all the good times that have happened on the spiff.com this year.
We'll go through the major things that we learned together as we all made our closet and ourselves a little more spiffy in 2010.

Beginning with shopping...
One big lesson learned was, sometimes it's good to walk away.  There have been several things that I almost bought, but decided not to and just walk away seeing if the item would stick with me. Sure enough most of the time the item was forgotten and my life was just fine without it.

This lesson has backfired a time or two when I walked away from an item that was the only one left, and when I decided I did want it and went back to get it...my chance was gone.

So don't put this little rule in to practice if there's only one item left on the shelf.

It's going to be a wonderful new year!

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