Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Comfort & Joy

I had Christmas decorations sitting out waiting to be "assigned their position" for over a week this year. This is mainly because 80% of my decor consisted of nostalgic ornaments. 

I love putting as many as I can in every nook and cranny that I find so that Christmas is every where I look, but there are some that just won't stand by themselves.  That is why this year I've piled them all in a bowl.

Snoopy's next to the handmade angle, who's on top of the Halmark ice skater...and so on and so forth. It's a pile of treasured memories.  It works great this way because I don't yet have the separate tree I need to hang them all, yet I still want to be reminded of them so there they sit all starring up at me in my bathroom.

I love it.  It's easy, comfortable decorating that brings joy to your face every time you see it. Which, is what Christmas home decor is all about, yeah?

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