Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Candle

If you still haven't finished your Christmas shopping or are just now starting, no worries. You'll get it done. I've found that even if you don't, people accept gifts all year round :)

If you have little piddly gifts to buy or need ideas for people you don't know how to shop for here are some universally pleasing presents...

1. Bath and Body anything.  Their most popular scent is Warm Vanilla, so when in doubt go with it.  

2. Forever21 has a great little section right near the registers with hair bow balls, nail color sets, and socks (everyone needs socks!). They're cheap, and cute and no one who gets them will say, "well it's the thought that counts, right?"

3. Candles! What woman doesn't like a good glow? Right now these Woodwick candles are EVERYWHERE. Literally, lately every store I've gone in I've seen them for sale. And what's so unique about them is their wick is wood (ah! hence the name!) so they crackel just like a mini fire and smell fantastic! For those of us without fire places these are a must have!

It's fun to get creative with gift giving instead of handing out gift cards.

Merry Christmas, and happy shopping!

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