Friday, December 31, 2010


Everytime I sit down to write an important post, I can feel the pressure as I think of future me sitting down to read past post and thinking, "why didn't I write the greatest post ever on this day, the last of 2010?!"

Well, future me, you can suck it up.

2010 has been such a wonderful year with fashion only getting easier and easier with each passing day.
I'm thankful for all the new technology that allows us to have bigger eyelashes with the swipe of a wand and higher hair with the placement of a custom fit piece of plastic.

I'm thankful that lots of fashion rules have been thrown out, and lots and lots of creativity and "expressing yourself" type of encouragement has been thrown in its place.

But most importantly, I'm happy and undoubtedly thankful for getting the opportunity here to spread some God given confidence to any and all who are willing to read.

It's only going to get brighter for the people of God, which means this next year is going to be even better than the last.  Make your resolution to grow even more confident in His love, and more comfortable walking it out.

Have a Happy and even Spiffier New Year!

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