Tuesday, November 2, 2010

*And Trust Me, They Do.

Just because a beauty product doesn't include crazy ingredients like the ground up shells of peacock eggs broken off by miniature pony hooves under the dark of night doesn't mean it won't work just as good as the one's who do.*

A really effective lotion, for example can be found at your local drugstore without you having to pay a bundle for it and miniature pony feed.

Aveeno is my go-to winter lotion brand.  Those first dips into cooler weather send my hands to crackin so I've got to have a lotion that not only hydrates, but doesn't leave my greasy finger prints every where I go (cause, Lord knows, in my line of work finger prints are the LAST thing I need to leave ;)

A good size pump bottle is around $10 and should last you the whole winter.

What I've found to be great, especially to keep my manicure lasting longer, is to put lotion on my hands right before I go to sleep.  Rubbing it in is not only relaxing, but since over night it has time to work it's magic without getting washed off, I start the day with restarted hands and am less likely to tear at my cuticles.

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