Friday, August 13, 2010

Eat, Pray, Shop...Pray

I have a lot to say about this subject which is why when you read today's spiff you'll think, "well she really could have combined that with yesterdays" SHUT IT. I'm calling the shots around here.

And...I've written myself out of a segue...

What I was wanting to get in on this last day of confidence boosting week is to emphasize how much God cares about the little things in our life.

Just the other night I watched a TV show where a wife decides to pray that this pair of shoes she wants will go on sale. Her husband tells her that she's crazy and that God has bigger things to deal with than her shoes, but she says that she thinks God's brain is big enough to handle it all.

As I watched that I thought about how great it is to have a personal knowledge of the fact that God does care about those things, and not only does He care about them, He longs for us to depend on Him.

I think that's one of the best ways to start wrapping your brain around His love for us-He longs for our dependence on Him.

When you loose a pair of earrings or really desire the new lip gloss-pray about it, He wants you to seek His face before you do anything else.

Thanks for reading!

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