Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving!

What better way to kick off the holiday season, then with a time where we get to be with family and be thankful for all that we have.

All week long I've been leaving a thankful little "nugget", if you will, at the end of every post because it's always good to stop and think about that.

Well today's little thankful nugget (haha that word makes me hungry) is... (turkey leg drum roll)...

I'm very thankful for you!

Truly, all week long whenever I would go to write what I'm thankful for the first thing that popped in my head every time was you-the reader.

I'm so grateful for the ability God has given me and the idea He dropped in my head to write this thing two and a half years ago, but really it would just be a diary if it weren't for my audience.
So thank you so much for coming back and letting me speak into your closet life and test out my comedic ability week after week :)

May all your dishes turn out great, and your favorite jean fit the same the day after!

Happy Happy Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

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