Friday, October 7, 2011


It seems as though some people have forgotten that the first two W's in www. stand for world wide.

As in you are posting that you can't stand your hair and you've started your period two days ago WORLD WIDE when you update that facebook status. Is that really what you want?

I can't be thankful enough that facebook and twitter weren't around when I was a teenager, because God only knows what I would have posted (thank the Lord on high Xanga is a wasteland now :)

Unfortunately for a lot of people, facebook has become the sleeves on which they bare their emotions.
But this shouldn't be! Remember-world wide!

On this final day of cultivating a spiffier image of yourself online, I cannot stress enough how important it is that you don't overshare your life online. Everytime you go to post something, think about saying that same thing in front of a room crowded with family, friends, and distant aqcuantences.
Are you comfortable with the image of you speaking those words into a microphone? If the answer is no, then don't post it because that's in essance what you are doing when you put anything personal online.

Facebook and twitter are not your diary.

Once you put something out there, you can't take it back (remember this especially when leaving comments). It's not like a spoken conversation that includes tone of voice, body language and follow up communication. No, you get a one-dimensional shot at painting a picture of yourself with words and if you continually put negative things out there, or are a stream of high flying emotions then people's opions of you will change and it won't be for the spiffier.

Break the habit of running to facebook with every little thing. Try writing the stuff down first, then coming back to it the next day. Sometimes posting on a post it is all you need to do.

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