Friday, September 9, 2011

UNDERwear, Not Through-Wear

You know what I want to see less of this fall? Underwear.

I'm not talking actual glimpses of your pink undies, I mean the silhouette of your bra and panties.

Nothing is more distracting and unattractive (distractive!) then looking at the outline of your ill-fitting bra, or knowing exactly if you're wearing grannie panties or bikini cut.

There's no excuse for this sort of behavior, and I won't stand for it any longer. Buy yourself a t-shirt bra. What's a t-shirt bra?
I'll ask the questions around here!

A t-shirt bra is one that will keep your form smooth and in place even if you're wearing a tighter fitting t-shirt type top. They're out there, Victoria Secret has let them out of the bag (and they have a sale twice a year so don't tell me they're "too expensive").
They also make underwear that's made of a thinner material so if you have to wear something that's not a thong you still have that option.

And ANOTHER THING...if you really don't have a new bra in the budget, hike up those straps! If your bra is showing through your clothes then you probably don't have it tight enough. Get that thing to do it's job, cinch up those straps and put those girls where they belong!

There is no excuse for these fashion felonies (not misdemeanors, FELONIES).

You check yourself in the mirror before you leave the house, and if you can tell where your bra starts or where your underwear ends, then you march right back into that underwear drawer of yours and do something about it!

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