Monday, June 27, 2011

Swim, Rinse, and Repeat

Now that you know what suit flatters you most, and you’ve bagged the bargain let’s talk about swimsuit care.

The best way to keep your suit looking purdy is to rinse it out right when you get home from the pool. Take it in the shower with you and just give it a quick rinse then hang it over the towel bar to dry. You could also lay it flat outside to get it to dry quicker-just be sure you lay it in the shade so that it doesn’t fade from the sun.

If while wearing your suit you get something on it like too much sand, or sun tan lotion then carry with you some baby wipes and just swipe one across the stain or the sand-it’s a good refresher. If the stain persists, hand wash with a mild detergent like Woolite. Most suits are made out of materials that can stretch and loose their shape if you put them in the washer so treat them with care.

Also, and this one really should be in all caps, make sure you watch where you put your bum while wearing your swimsuit. I’ve learned the hard way after leaning against a textured wall, that rough surfaces like that can produce those ever annoying pills making a good suit go bad. What I do now is I rub my hand over a surface before I sit or lean against it (even inside the pool) if it’s too prickly then I chill without it.

If you do this, make sure you're standing like a swim suit model-shoulders back!

Ps-Today Victoria Secret has their swim not only on CLEARANCE but 20% off of that! What magical words! :)

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