Monday, June 14, 2010

Pic Positivity!

The saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” What a picture is NOT worth is 1,000 negative words. Which is why today’s post is all about you keeping it positive when it comes to looking at your negatives (get it-picture negatives, ha!)

Who likes to be the woman to ensure all other women that their hair looks fine and the double chin didn’t show up this time? Not, most assuredly, Me.
Most of the time people don’t see the flaws we point out, so why direct their attention to them? Think of it this way, most people might not notice your elf ears, but after you point them out, they’ll think of it every time they look at their mantle, so shut it down.

How about you make it your goal to swallow anything you feel you have to point out that’s negative about yourself next time you run to the other side of the camera after a shot.
Just like saying a simple, “thank you” to a complement, a simple, “Oo that looks good!” after the flash will do.

Come back this week for more ways to look good in pictures, giving you less negativity to swallow next time!

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