I am a big huge fan of Project Runway--can I get a What! What!
Recently, there was an episode where the designers had to make a dress out of a potato sack-and some of them really pulled it off, which added validity to the statement, “you could put her in a potato sack and she would still be gorgeous.”
I’ve got news for you, walking around in vegetable bags and looking good, isn’t a talent of a few gorgeous women-it’s wrapped up in one little secret…
Do not let your clothes wear you.
When we constantly tug at our shirt or adjust our pants, it only draws attention to how ill fitting our clothes are. The same is true for high heels-if we always walk like we’ve been shot in both feet then we’re not putting off a positive message about what we think about ourselves.
What to do instead? When you carry yourself (sitting or walking) make sure your shoulders are back and that your ear is directly over your shoulder line. Do this and it won’t matter what you’re wearing people will notice your confidence (whether subconsciously or not) and think to themselves that YOU are the coolest cat they’ve ever seen and Your Shirt has Never! Had! A Better! Owner!
Now get out there and walk like you love yourself!
7 years ago
Well done, Elizabeth